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Today we talk about the innovative eco-friendly promotional articles that re-born to the sea and ocean waters.


One of the most important environmental problems ever, in fact, concerns the quantity of waste dispersed in the waters of the seas and oceans: every year more than 8 billion tons are recovered, such as disused fishing nets and plastic products thrown by the people. However, thanks to the circular economy, starting from this huge amount of waste it is possible to create new and original eco-sustainable objects.

Discover together the customizable gadgets that born in this way:


1. R-PET socks are customizable with a logo. Soft and comfortable they are made in recycled spandex and R-PET, material obtained from recycled plastic waste that is left in the oceans.


2. Promotional reading glasses made from recycled plastic collected in the waters of the seas and oceans represent a perfectly sustainable and socially responsible corporate gift, both for your customers and your employees.


3. Eco-friendly frisbee is customizable with a logo. It’s made through the recycled plastic waste recovered in the sea, this is the perfect promotional article to gift to adults and children.


4. Promotional sea towel: it’s made with a unique spun obtained with the plastic that is recovered into the sea and to the recycled cotton. It’s an eco-friendly product that is perfect to transmit at the best your brand, combine environmental values.


5. Bucket and spade set made in PP recycled plastic available in different colors and customizable with your logo. A funny and eco-friendly gadget that is perfect for children.



6. From sea and ocean waters don’t emerge (fortunately) only plastic waste, but precious objects also such us shells that allow made an innovative material that is perfect to the creation of promotional pens with unique and minimal style.



Eco-friendly gadgets are more requested in the promotional merchandising world and they are not only products that are made with reusable and recyclable raw materials, but also products that are obtained from the reuse of waste, such as ones that are made from the recycling of plastic that is recovered in the sea.


If you are interested and want to discover our large selection of eco-friendly products, visit the specific section on our website, and contact us! You can choose between many eco-friendly materials like R-PET, corn PLA, hemp, organic cotton, shells, bamboo, and more others. Our team will support you with the choice of the best green gadgets for your needs.





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Merchandising eco-friendly Borsa da viaggio personalizzabile con logo Penne di design personalizzabili con logo