Case History

How many times have you borrowed or lent a pen?
From a desk, purse, dashboard or briefcase. We keep pens everywhere, and yet we are always looking for them.

Pens pass from hand to hand which is why they are the right item to promote your brand.

It is necessary to develop a promotional item that best represents you if you want to have communication success.

With ColumbusPromo you can create a highly customised product, choosing from a wide range of options for every detail of your promotional pen – the material, style, design and colour.

Each element is essential to promote your brand in the best way.
Metals provide formality and elegance, matt surfaces and bright colours target young customers while soft-touch materials are ideal for a designer brand.

News: an innovative long-lasting aluminum inkless pen with a metal alloy tip. With an elegant and refined design, this pen is the perfect class corporate gift.

ColumbusPromo offers you much more than a customised pen. It is a tailor-made item for you and your needs.

Ability to customise the pen for multiple positions