The 10 essential gadgets for smart working

The experience we are living has made us that smart working is an effective solution in many situations.
In the coming months we will have to maintain social distancing and therefore smart working will be applied for a long time.
ColumbusPromo has selected the essential gadgets for smart workers, which will allow them to be efficient even when working from home.
First of all, all the tools there are to write down and work, and then post it, notebooks and adhesive whiteboards are fundamental.
Obviously the right amount of energy cannot be missing, therefore cup and thermal bottle, to never be without coffee.
To participate in calls, headphones and earphones are very useful.
To complete the kit usb sticks, pens and highlighters.
And to transform your home into a real office, the innovative portable scanners and printers.
To these “indispensable gadgets” you can add many other products.
Wireless mice, anti-stress, wireless chargers, laptop stands, mouse pads … and much more.
All these products will be placed in a backpack, together with PC and tablet.
If you want to create the kit for smart working to give to your employees, contact us: our creative team studies the solution tailored for you!

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