Personalized room diffusers: the perfect gift for your employees who are working from home

In this particular moment, it is often difficult to be able to work with the right doses of energy and concentration.
But there are some strategies that can help make our working day more productive and enjoyable, such as the most suitable home fragrances.
Perfuming your home with particular fragrances can be beneficial to the mind and mood.


Let’s make some examples of effects related to some fragrances:

– lemon: perfect for increasing work productivity thanks to its stimulating effect;
– peppermint: ideal for stimulating attention and decreasing sleepiness;
– orange: gives a feeling of calm and tranquility;
– lavender: promotes relaxation, useful for counteracting migraines and states of stress;


If you want to surprise your employees who are working from…

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2021 Remote working gadgets: many ideas to be delivered directly to your employee’s home

New year… old routines.
Although our hopes are high thanks to the vaccine being administered, the contamination risk is high nonetheless and the majority of people are still working at home. We are probably still getting used to working from home, but you can make this way of working more enjoyable and high-performance, by making your employees feel important and loved even if distant. How?


Easy! If you choose the ColumbusPromo team, thanks to @home service, you can deliver directly to the employee’s home the perfect remote working products, so they can become more productive, energetic, and have a leg up to take on the working day in the best way.
Many remote working promotional products are…

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The 5 trending promotional gadgets for 2021

2020 has been a particular and unpredictable year. A lack of in-person events, the reduction of tourism, remote working, a lack of sports competitions, and many other factors, have radically changed the purchase choices on promotional gadgets.


We don’t know with certainty what will happen in the next months but, starting from the customers’ requests and from the gadgets that are more appreciated during this year, we have selected for you 5 promotional articles that, according to our predictions, will be trending during 2021:


1.UV-C sanitizer: it takes the first place. 2020 taught us how important it’s to sanitize the objects that we use all day. So it will become necessary to carry…

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Merchandising 2021: the storage space is on us

This intensive and particular 2020 hasn’t allowed us to organize the usual events and for this reason, sometimes, we haven’t realized some projects that we had planned. So, for some companies, it has made it difficult to consume the 2020 budget. Sometimes the surplus budget cannot be rolled over to the next year, so if you don’t want to risk losing budget quotas that you were not able to invest, we have the solution for you: the “ColumbusPromo Space Service”.
Choose now with ColumbusPromo your promotional clothing and merchandise and use it during 2021.
Why? Because we give you exclusive benefits.
We will store and guard free your gadgets into our warehouses, during the entirety of 2021…

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Which are the coolest face masks of the moment? Here are the ones we found on the web

The face mask slowly became our adventure companion, at the office or the supermarket, the face mask is always on our face to protect us and the people around us. The face mask with the sanitizing gel and the social distance is one of the most useful methods to fight the emergency that we are living, for this reason, we must wear it always!


On the market, there are a lot of models that satisfy the needs of each of us.
Do you want to discover which are these?


We have selected for you the most requested customizable face masks of the moment.


Face mask with earphone: the face mask with built-in earphones and controls on…

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2020’s Xmas corporate gifts: the best Christmas gadgets for your customers and employees are the stands for smartphones and tablets

During this intensive and particular year, we totally understood how much important is technology in our life. Thanks to smartphones, PCs, and tablets we have been able to readapt our lifestyle as much as our jobs, and relationships, turning our work in the office into virtual meetings, our school into on-line classes, and our meetings with friends and relatives into group video calls… And now that the Christmas period is coming, even if there are still many unknowns, we perfectly know we will be asked once again to limit our sociality and our video calls will be fundamental to “celebrate” Christmas with our loved people.


For this reason, ColumbusPromo is proposing to you the best Christmas corporate gift…

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Christmas 2020 corporate gifts: here the Made in Italy products in support of the Italian companies

The emergency that we are living in this year has tested and is still testing Italian corporates.


ColumbusPromo believes in union and collaboration and for this reason, we think that is important to support local companies in this difficult and critical moment.


Choosing a Made in Italy product means supporting the Italian corporates, but in particular, it means choosing quality products, design, and refined, with the possibility of reducing minimum order quantity and with the guarantee of rapid delivery. So you will be sure that will receive these articles, will appraise the gift but also the praiseworthy initiative in support of our country.

We have selected for you some promotional articles that are made in Italy and perfect…

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Christmas 2020 corporate gifts: discover Hook, the anti-contamination gadget that is made 100% in Italy

Hook is an eco-friendly, anti-contamination product and it’s entirely Made in Italy.
For this reason, it’s the perfect corporate gift in sight of Christmas 2020.


It is a promotional design product that is made of recycled plastic.


It’s the perfect anti-contamination product because it allows us to avoid making contact with the surfaces around us during our everyday life. You can hold onto it on the underground or the tram, and it can also be used to push the ATM buttons or opening the doors…
This is an object that you have to carry with you always and thanks to its reduced dimension, it effectively keeps you protected.


Hook is available…

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Homeworking? For Christmas 2020 gift your customers and employees the perfect gadgets that allow them to recreate their office at home

Few months have passed since we have improvised our office between the living room and kitchen, and now we are back to think about managing the home spaces to allow us to work in the best way.


Remote work has certainly some advantages, but it also has some disadvantages such as the presence of other people in the same space, the lack of a specific office desk and at the last the lack of some accessories that allow us to work in the best way.


For this reason, ColumbusPromo believes that the best corporate gift for your customers and employees, for Christmas 2020, could be the customizable promotional products that allow you to recreate the perfect work environment…

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Promotional sport gadgets: the original corporate gift that all customers and employees would like to have

During these days we have understood that due to the sanitary emergency that we are living, the fitness activity isn’t authorized into the gyms and swimming pools and, since winter is coming, practicing fitness activity outdoors won’t be possible either.


But ColumbusPromo has a perfect solution that allows you to keep yourself fit anyway!


Easy! You simply have to choose as a corporate gift for your customers and employees the ever-popular promotional sport gadgets. All of them are customizable with your corporate logo and they allow your customers and employees to keep their mind and body fit all the time, both when they stay at home and break during remote working days or they decide…

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