Remote work: which are the trendy gadgets perfect to gift to your employees and customers?

It is now certain: remote work, so loved by all workers, is an increasingly growing trend in companies. For this reason, ColumbusPromo has selected for you the most trendy remote work gadgets perfect to gift to your employees.


The situation we have faced in these two years has revolutionized not only our way of living everyday life but also the working dynamics, spreading more and more the tendency to work remotely or to propose hybrid solutions to one’s collaborators, which they include both presence in the office and agile work.


Lets’ see together the promotional articles for remote work that are perfect for your employees:


1. Wheat straw earphones customizable with logo: a must-have to…

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4th of February is the world day against cancer, and we know how many preventions and the scientific search are fundamental to fight this sick.

For this reason, is very important to support the association that operates in this area.


Today we talk about the My Everest association that you can support to purchase your promotional articles with the ColumbusPromo initiative: “Give me five”.


The association “My Everest” is the reference point for the pancreas tumor patients because it provides information on the disease with particular attention to clinical trials, new therapies, and prevention and supporting scientific research projects through fundraising.


If you choose ColumbusPromo, your corporate can actively contribute to this problem thanks to the “Give…

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Today we talk about the innovative eco-friendly promotional articles that re-born to the sea and ocean waters.


One of the most important environmental problems ever, in fact, concerns the quantity of waste dispersed in the waters of the seas and oceans: every year more than 8 billion tons are recovered, such as disused fishing nets and plastic products thrown by the people. However, thanks to the circular economy, starting from this huge amount of waste it is possible to create new and original eco-sustainable objects.

Discover together the customizable gadgets that born in this way:


1. R-PET socks are customizable with a logo. Soft and comfortable they are made in recycled spandex and R…

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Promotional articles for employees: increase the degree of satisfaction of your staff

It has currently been widely demonstrated that internal marketing strategies and activities are fundamental to make their employees work peacefully and increase their identification with the corporate.
In this new normality, many people worked at home, and this situation has reduced interpersonal contact and has imposed new corporate needs. First of all, find a way to make your collaborators feel part of a team even when physically distant, facilitate them in the new remote way of working, gratify them and pay attention to them in a difficult period for everyone. This need has generated different requests of promotional articles for employees not only for the occasions (like Christmas) but also during all year.

Many corporates have decided to gift a…

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If you are looking for exclusive promotional articles to gift to your customers and employees during the winter season, ColumbusPromo selected for you the most trendy winter gadgets of 2022.

Discover them together.


The promotional teapot is the perfect gadget for tea and infusions lovers because allows them to enjoy a relaxing moment; it’s customizable with your logo and it’s available in different models: from classic made in ceramic to oriental style one with bamboo details.


If you want to carry with you warm drinks always, the perfect promotional articles for your employees and customers are the thermos with filter and thermal mug. They are compact and have an original style and they allow you to…

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Blue Monday: here are the 5 gadgets to gift to your customers to increase your humor.

Today is Blue Monday, the worst day of the year. It’s the third of January Monday, the day where the people have a bad mood because they realized that the Christmas holidays finished and the new year started, all stay with the short days that probably hurt our humor.


Unfortunately, these sensations can stay with your employees for more time, in particular during the wintertime. So ColumbusPromo has selected the 5 gadgets to gift to your employees to increase their humor, perfect to face the intensive workdays.

Let’s see them here:


1)Pop-it, the most popular summer gadget, it’s the promotional gadget that all employees would like on their office desk. Thanks to the…

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Get fit after holidays with customizable fitness kit for customers and employees

January is officially starting, and now it’s time for good intentions!

The start of the new year allows you to decide most of the good intentions that you can achieve during these 12 months. First of all, after the big Christmas feasts, we find the desire to in shape, or in general, to maintain a healthy style of life. For this reason, if you are looking for an original and useful corporate gift for your customers and employees, the promotional fitness kit is ideal for you.


ColumbusPromo has selected for you many new promotional sports articles that are perfect to create a promotional fitness kit customized with your logo.


Let’s discover together all news of 2022…

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2022 Merchandising: here are the customized gadget trends

The new year is starting and now is the moment to talk about the trends of customizable gadgets 2022.


Starting from a confirmation: eco-friendly gadgets.

The love of our planet and the desire to associate your brand with planet safety is a certainty for a multinational corporation. The eco-friendly category is very large that allows you to choose many different typologies of products.

It is now possible to buy any type of gadget and request it in an eco-sustainable version, thanks to the many materials available. For example, the gadgets made in different recycled materials such as R-PET, natural materials such as bamboo, hemp, organic cotton, waste materials like coffee or orange peels, or reusable…

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Winter gadgets: support customers and employees during holidays with many promotional articles

The coldest season of the year is very close and it’s time to think of promotional products perfect to support customers and employees during the winter holidays.

The last year the emergency has obligated us to stay at home and now people need to enjoy some holiday moments. Making travel promotional articles is a winner marketing idea because allows you to match your brand with carefree moments and a new enjoy adventures.

Let’s see the winter gadgets for the 2022 season that we selected for you.
These are promotional products that you can decide to give alone or together, packaged in a kit made ad hoc, the perfect solution for making your employees feel special.

We started with…

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Christmas corporate gifts 2021: discover the customizable decorations

If you are thinking about a corporate present for your customers and employees on the occasion of Christmas, you can choose to enjoy customizable Christmas decorations.

The customizable Christmas balls and decorations are the perfect presents to gift to your customers and employees during Christmas time. Certainly, they could make happy all family members.

If you choose ColumbusPromo you can have many possibilities, from classical Christmas balls made in glasses or plastic to originally felt decorations, both available in different colors and customizable.

More refined are the wooden decorations like the wooden Christmas tree wrapped with colorful balls that are perfect to hang up on its branch or ideal like a centerpiece.

At Christmas time, if you want you can…

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