Promotional gadgets: not simply objects, but marketing tools that leave the mark

Why, in an era where everything revolves around the digital world, is it still useful and effective to give customers and employees promotional gadgets? To answer this question is necessary to consider the promotional merchandising not only objects set but as a very strong tool that can cause emotions and activate specific cognitive processes into who receives them.


Sure enough, there are many reasons because the corporates should gift to their customers and employees promotional articles and customize them with their logo. Let’s see together the most relevant ones.


Gift a promotional gadget to your employees and customers will feel them important, special, and unique. These positive sensations will influence the opinion of your brand and support…

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Summer is coming! Discover the traveling gadgets that are perfect for customers and employees who are leaving for the holidays

Summer is coming and never this year, people desire to leave and to enjoy a relaxing time. For this reason, gift promotional traveling articles to employees and customers is the winning choice: more appreciated by receiving them, these products will give more visibility to your brand wherever they will be used.


We have selected for you the best customizable traveling gadgets. Discover them together.


Customizable traveling kit, a complete set perfect to gift to your customers and employees that is composed of a comfortable inflatable travel pillow, a soft eyes mask, and two earplugs ideals to relax during the long travels. Moreover, if you want you can add to your promotional traveling kit with many promotional articles such…

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Ecological gadgets 2021? Here are the 5 best sellers

Even in the world of merchandising, more and more people are choosing eco-sustainable gadgets. This is why we have prepared for you the selection of the best-selling ecological gadgets in 2021.


Let’s see them together.


Let’s start with the most requested: the customizable thermal bottle. This promotional product manages to combine functionality and trend. Many companies give away thermal bottles to their customers and employees. We can offer you many models, which you can find in the dedicated section.


In the second place, we find eco-sustainable notebooks. A classic but always very popular product. Promotional notebooks are available in many materials (such as bamboo, cork, recycled paper) and templates.


In the…

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Promotional articles for children: many special ideas to surprise the little ones

Choosing the right promotional gadget to gift to your employees and customers isn’t simple!

A special and funny gift to dedicate at the little of home, sometimes, is the winning choice: these articles will feel important and can help you to associate your brand with happy and carefree family moments.

With ColumbusPromo the possibilities of promotional articles for children are many, all customizable with your logo and perfect for answering your needs.


Some example?


If you looking for children promotional gadget to use outdoor during the summer season, these are the promotional articles perfect for you:


colorful kit, composed of a bucket, a small shovel, a rake, and two molds perfect for building fantastic sandcastles on…

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Lunch outside the home? Here are the 5 gadgets your collaborators can’t do without

The good season is coming and finally, we enjoy some moments outdoors. For this reason, ColumbusPromo has selected for you five promotional gadgets that are ideal for an outdoor lunch break and perfect to gift to your customers and employees.


Discover altogether what are:


1.Promotional Lunch box: it’s made in stainless steel and it’s a perfect eco-friendly solution for an outside home snack. It has a 1200 ml of capacity and it’s composed of two sections, so you can carry with you two different types of food avoiding them mixing.


2.Customizable cutlery set: handy pocket cutlery kit is made in stainless steel or bambù, it’s composed of a knife, a…

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The top10 summer gadgets: discover all the trendy promotional articles for summer 2021

Summer is coming and this year will have a different flavor: desire to travel, to take a break, and enjoy a little bit of relaxation to the sea or mountain, away from all the thoughts that have accompanied us in this long year. This will be a real new start and for this reason, you don’t be unprepared.
To surprise and make your customers happy, you need to select the right promotional gadgets to better enjoy summer 2021.


ColumbusPromo has selected for you the 10 trendy promotional articles for summer 2021. Let’s see it together!


1.Sea towel-free mat. An original idea and very useful to stretch out on the beach without preoccupations: it’s…

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Sports gadgets: donate to your employees the Fitness Kit customized with your logo

One of the major benefits that the corporations invest into their welfare plan is the fitness world, in other words, the possibility to obtain the gym pass or to practice physical activity into the corporate. Indeed, everybody knows that physical exercise is perfect to improve the motivation, productivity, and creativity of your employees.
The lockdown has changed more the modality to practice sports: was born numerous online platforms dedicated to at-home training, where the person can choose between courses, lessons, and web training, comfortably at home or wherever they prefer.


So, the perfect promotional gadget to gift to your employees is the original and useful Fitness Kit that you can customize with your corporate logo. If you choose…

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Promotional gadgets kit with @home service: choose merchandising, create your kit, and deliver it where you want

The precious partnership with the Columbus Logistics team and the ability of our team to offer always ad hoc solutions for our customers, allow us to give you one of the most requested services at this moment. We talk about the creation of promotional articles kits, make and pack with ad hoc packaging, and the respective delivery to the single addressees.

A perfect service to answer different needs such as arriving at the employees that work at home or the online events participants or different franchising stores.




The exclusive @home service about ColumbusPromo consists of the delivery of products, gifts, and kits directly to the addressees’ home, for example, customers and employees, to answer the needs…

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Hemp promotioanl articles: discover more about the innovative fabrics 100% natural and enviroment respectful

The environment and sustainability attention are values that during the time have acquired more importance into the reality of the corporate which promotes more than after responsible choices, starting from the packaging to the purchasing of promotional articles. Indeed, choosing promotional gadgets made with natural materials and environmentally friendly has an important impact on social corporate responsibility because they allow the corporates to communicate in a clear way their values.


ColumbusPromo has a large range of eco-friendly gadgets that are made with natural materials such as bamboo, wood, organic cotton, cement, corn pla, regenerated leather, dried grass, etc. Our team is always looking for new sustainable materials for our customers.
This year, the new entries are promotional products…

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Olfactory marketing: discover the scented gadgets to communicate in winning way your brand

Have you ever heard of olfactory marketing?
For many years corporations used sensorial marketing to stimulate the five senses because they influenced the emotional dimension.
Among these, a prominent place belongs to olfactory marketing thanks to its characteristics allowing it to have an important role in marketing and communication activities. But let’s see in detail the potential of olfactory marketing:


One study of New York Rockefeller University demonstrated that people remember 35% of what they smell with respect to 5% of what they see, 2% of what they hear, and 1% of what they touch.
The olfactory memory is not responsive: the scent doesn’t require attention to be remembered but it cannot be ignored…

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