2022 Merchandising: here are the customized gadget trends
The new year is starting and now is the moment to talk about the trends of customizable gadgets 2022.
Starting from a confirmation: eco-friendly gadgets.
The love of our planet and the desire to associate your brand with planet safety is a certainty for a multinational corporation. The eco-friendly category is very large that allows you to choose many different typologies of products.
It is now possible to buy any type of gadget and request it in an eco-sustainable version, thanks to the many materials available. For example, the gadgets made in different recycled materials such as R-PET, natural materials such as bamboo, hemp, organic cotton, waste materials like coffee or orange peels, or reusable gadgets such as clima bottles or bottles that are fundamental to reduce plastic use.
Remaining on the subject of important corporate values, there are more and more companies wishing to combine their merchandising with corporate social responsibility actions. The possibilities are endless such as health care associations or environmental sustainability associations. ColumbusPromo, for this reason, makes a special formula named “Give me five” born like Christmas initiative but if you want you can applicate it on your orders all year.
Mens sana in corpore sano… The employees’ well-being attention is a very important topic for the corporates. For this reason, the promotional articles useful for physical exercises, such as fitness kits, will be more requested during 2022. Another product that is very useful and it’s very appreciated is the fitness tracker available in different customizable models.
Another topic that is more central to promotional articles business is the need to receive customized products, made ad hoc for each brand. You know that gadgets are optimal tools to transmit your brand and to make feel special to your customers and employees, but it’s also true that we are increasingly used to receiving them and for this reason that the most popular customized products are precisely the less conventional ones, through which we perceive the attention to detail and the creative study behind every type of customization. So ColumbusPromo is a winner choice because our philosophy is to not use a catalog but make ad hoc products based on customers’ needs.
Talking about the trends, in general, it’s important to talk about the 2022 Pantone: the Very Peri. Leatrice Eisaman, the Pantone Color Institute Executive Director, said “Embracing the qualities of blues but at the same time possessing a purple-red undertone, Very Peri displays a lively and joyful attitude, a dynamic presence that encourages imaginative expressiveness and a creativity capable of daring”. This is a detail that you can consider, because from 23 yeats the Pantone Color of the year has an important influence on the products of the different sector, from fashion to industry.
These are just a few ideas: our constant research will allow you to be updated on all the new trends. Don’t forget to check out our blog!
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