Hemp promotioanl articles: discover more about the innovative fabrics 100% natural and enviroment respectful

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The environment and sustainability attention are values that during the time have acquired more importance into the reality of the corporate which promotes more than after responsible choices, starting from the packaging to the purchasing of promotional articles. Indeed, choosing promotional gadgets made with natural materials and environmentally friendly has an important impact on social corporate responsibility because they allow the corporates to communicate in a clear way their values.


ColumbusPromo has a large range of eco-friendly gadgets that are made with natural materials such as bamboo, wood, organic cotton, cement, corn pla, regenerated leather, dried grass, etc. Our team is always looking for new sustainable materials for our customers.
This year, the new entries are promotional products made with hemp, one of the eldest and ecological fabrics. Hemp comes from 100% organically grown fibers of the fast-growing cannabis plant that are naturally resistant to the parasitics and do not request the use of fertilizer and pesticides. Moreover, the production process of hemp fibers is sustainable as well which and these fibers are organic fibers, 100% recyclable.


The complete production process of hemp fabrics is characterized by these steps: tree planting › plantation › harvest › maceration › fibers extraction › fabrics production › products creation


Why should you choose a hemp product? Which are its advantages?

Hemp is a 100% natural fabric that respects the environment but long-lasting during the time, pleasing to the touch because it’s similar to linen and available in different colorations thanks to natural colors.


If you are interested in hemp promotional products, contact us! Our team will support you in the choice of gadgets that are most in line with your brand and make them unique thanks to customization.





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