Merchandising and CSR: discover the gadgets that “do good”

Merchandising e Social Corporate Responsibility

Since today, if you choose ColumbusPromo you can match the promotional articles with the Corporate Social Responsibility activity.

The “Give me Five” initiative was born for a Christmas festivity, but you can use this all year and with any gadgets. Thanks for the order of the promotional articles you can:


Creating a corporate forest with Treedom


Treedom is the first website by is possible to plant at distance the trees so you can reduce in a real way own CO2 emissions. You can purchase online the trees and these are planted directly to the local farmers, so you can guarantee environmental, economic, and social benefits. Let’s see the Columbus forest.


Adopt a beehive with 3Bee


3Bee contributes to changing the beekeeping world. Through the smart monitoring and diagnostic system, this corporate allows the beekeepers to manage at distance and always the wellness of their beehives, so they save time, take care of their bees, and prevent problems and seeks. Thanks to the “Give me Five” initiative you can choose one or more beekeepers to sustain and you can monitor the beehive condition at every moment and remotely.


Support the pancreas cancer research with My Everest

The association “My Everest” is the reference point for the pancreas tumor patients because it provides information on the disease with particular attention to clinical trials, new therapies, and prevention and supporting scientific research projects through fundraising.



Let’s see together the “Give me Five” initiative.

At the first, you selected the product, and then if you decide to donate equal to 5% of the order value, ColumbusPromo will donate an additional 5%, together with 10% of the order value.


If you want we can support you in the communication of this project through the customizable cardboard label with your logo and the association logo to attach to every promotional article.


If you want to have more information and discover more about the “Give me Five” initiative, contact us at





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Merchandising eco-friendly