Promotional sport gadgets: the original corporate gift that all customers and employees would like to have

gadget sportivi promozionali

During these days we have understood that due to the sanitary emergency that we are living, the fitness activity isn’t authorized into the gyms and swimming pools and, since winter is coming, practicing fitness activity outdoors won’t be possible either.


But ColumbusPromo has a perfect solution that allows you to keep yourself fit anyway!


Easy! You simply have to choose as a corporate gift for your customers and employees the ever-popular promotional sport gadgets. All of them are customizable with your corporate logo and they allow your customers and employees to keep their mind and body fit all the time, both when they stay at home and break during remote working days or they decide to train outdoors.

Some example:

Promotional Kit fitness: sporty and handy drawstring bag with all the tools needed for the workout, that you can always carry with you. If you want, you can add other sport tools such as a skipping rope, an elastic body shaper for pectorals, an elastic body shaper with different intensity, a hand trainer, a dumbbell, and obviously, the fundamental fitness mat;

corda e fasce di resistenza personalizzabili


Activity tracker: lightweight and compact it allows you to monitor your daily fitness activity and your life parameters such as heartbeat and breathing, so you can plan exercises that are in line with your body;

Activity tracker promozionale


Bluetooth earphones: small and wireless, you can always wear them and they give pace to the fitness exercise with the best music, without disturbing other people around you;

Cuffie bluetooth promozionali


Clima bottle: it’s very important because it allows you to hydrate during sport activity. It’s available in different models such as the folding clima bottle or with a snap-hook, so you can always carry it with you.

Borraccia termica pieghevole



So, a large selection of promotional articles, which are perfect to surprise customers and employees with an unexpected, original and useful corporate gift that will be appreciated by both the sportive people and lazy people as well!


All gadgets for sport lovers that we have selected for you are customizable with your corporate logo.


If you want to discover all promotional sport articles to gift to customers and employees, contact us!

Together we will find the best solution for your brand.






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Cuffie personalizzabili con logo